
Control whether warning messages are shown before undertaking certain activities.


ask before removing images from the library
Always ask before removing image information from darktable’s library database, where the xmp file is retained (default on).
ask before deleting images from disk
Always ask before deleting an image file (default on).
ask before discarding history stack
Always ask before discarding the history stack of an image (default on).
try to use trash when deleting images
Instead of physically deleting images from disk, attempt to put them into the system’s trash bin (default on).
ask before moving images from film roll folder
Always ask before moving an image file (default on).
ask before copying images to new film roll folder
Always ask before copying an image file to a new location (default on).
ask before removing empty folders
Always ask before removing any empty folder. This can happen after moving or deleting images (default off).
ask before deleting a tag
Always ask before deleting a tag from an image (default on).
ask before deleting a style
Always ask before deleting a style (default on).
ask before deleting a preset
Always ask before deleting a preset (default on).
ask before exporting in overwrite mode
Always ask before exporting images in overwrite mode.


password storage backend to use
The backend to use for password storage. Options: “auto” (default), “none”, “libsecret”, “kwallet”, “apple_keychain” (on macOS), “windows_credentials” (on Windows).
executable for playing audio files
Define an external program which is used in the lighttable view to play audio files that some cameras record to keep notes for images (default “aplay”).
