raw chromatic aberrations

Correct chromatic aberrations of raw images.

This module currently only works for raw images recorded with a Bayer sensor (the sensor used in the majority of cameras) – for other types of image, you should use the chromatic aberrations module instead.

The module will also not apply any corrections to any photos that have been identified as monochrome (see developing monochrome images for more information).

This module expects good white balance data (provided by the white balance module) for best results. In most cases the default settings are sufficient.

Note that if this module is enabled, then TCA correction in the lens correction module should be disabled, as the two modules will conflict with one another.

🔗module controls

The number of iterations. For most images, “twice” is sufficient, and is the default value. Occasionally, increasing this control can give better results.
avoid colorshift
If the module causes tinting – often pink or greenish – tick this box to apply a correction.
