



check the maximum required application programming interface (API) version against the current API version


local du = require "lib/dtutils"
local result = du.check_max_api_version(max_api, script_name)

max_api - string - the maximum API version that the application was written for (example: “5.0.0”)
script_name - string - the name of the script


check_max_api_version compares the maximum API required for the application to run against the current API version. This function is used when a part of the Lua API that the script relies on is removed. If the maximum API version is not met, then an error message is printed saying the script_name failed to load, then an error is thrown causing the program to stop executing.


result - boolean - true if the maximum API version is available, false if not.


When using the default handler on a script being executed from the luarc file, the error thrown will stop the luarc file from executing any remaining statements. This limitation does not apply to script_manger.



does nothing if the API is less than or equal to 5.0.0 otherwise an error message is printed and an error is thrown stopping execution of the script.