module groups

A number of pre-defined module groups are shipped with darktable and are selectable as presets. These are summarized below.

All of these presets (with the exception of modules: deprecated and search only) also include the quick access panel. All except the modules: deprecated group include the search bar.

🔗modules: all

This preset contains all modules, sorted according to the traditional module groupings used prior to darktable 3.4, as follows:

module-group-basic-icon base modules
The minimal set of modules normally required to render a presentable image.
module-group-tone-icon tone modules
Other modules related to tone levels and contrast.
module-group-color-icon color modules
Modules related to color grading and color profiles.
module-group-correct-icon corrective modules
Modules related to correcting problems such as lens distortions, sensor noise, sharpening, etc.
module-group-effects-icon (special) effects modules
“Special effect” modules such as bloom, diffuse or sharpen, etc.

🔗workflow: scene-referred & workflow: display-referred

These presets define groups of modules relevant to the scene-referred and display-referred workflows, sorted into groups as shown below:

module-group-basic-icon base modules
A basic set of modules to adjust the cropping/orientation, adjust the exposure, and apply tone mappings and contrast as appropriate to the workflow.
module-group-color-icon color modules
Modules relating to color grading and color saturation.
module-group-correct-icon corrective modules
Modules relating to correcting problems relating to lens distortions, sensor noise, sharpening, retouching, etc.
module-group-effects-icon (special) effects modules
“Special effect” modules such as watermark, framing, vignetting, etc.

🔗workflow: beginner

This preset provides a minimal set of modules targeted as a starting point for beginners. It is suggested that beginners start by copying this minimal preset, and add to it as they gain experience with other modules.

module-group-basic-icon base modules
A basic set of modules to adjust the cropping/orientation, adjust the exposure, and apply a basic tone mapping.
module-group-grading-icon grading modules
Modules dealing with creative tone and color grading.
module-group-effects-icon (special) effects modules
“Special effect” modules such as retouch, sharpen, watermark, etc.

🔗previous config

These presets are automatically generated for users who have upgraded from a version of darktable prior to 3.4. Where you have previously set up favourites or altered the hidden flag on modules, these presets contains those customizations, retaining the legacy module groups (previous config preset) or new module groups (previous config with new layout preset).

If favourites were created in prior versions these will remain available in an additional group:

module-group-favourites-icon favourite modules
This group was previously used by users to make it easier to find frequently-used modules, and is available under the “previous config” presets. New users can, of course, still create their own custom group and name it “favourites” if they so desire.

🔗search only

This preset does not include any module groupings. Modules may only be accessed using the search facility.

🔗modules: deprecated

This preset contains a list of deprecated modules. This is the only way to access deprecated modules for new edits but be warned: these modules will be removed for new edits in the next release of darktable. This group cannot be duplicated and the modules within it cannot be added to user-created groups.
